Polishing Rusty Skills

Chriss Rathbun, a self-proclaimed “geek” and experienced information technology professional, loves the IT industry and has successfully weathered its highs and lows. He lost his Project Management job in the early 2000s during the dot com bubble, and bounced back in...

Hitting the Ground Running

When Tiare Marshall, a native Alaskan, moved to Texas with her now ex-husband in February 2011, she didn’t know anyone. In November 2013, Ms. Marshall relocated from Dallas to Austin after her separation to begin a new life as a single parent. When the former...

Navigating the Sea of Unemployment

In 2014, Natalie and Jason “J.J.” Watters found themselves in the same boat: they were both unemployed at the same time. The couple was determined to keep their heads above water even though they faced significant challenges such as debt and taking care of their two...

Skills without the Means

James Poissot is no stranger to hard work and unfortunately harder times.  Following high school, he joined the U.S. Marine Corps.  After serving 9 years, including 4 tours in Afghanistan and 5 tours in Iraq, James exited the military and returned to the civilian...

An Untapped Resource

“Work saves us from the three great evils of vice, boredom and poverty.” – Voltaire After 50 years of success in the business world, Thomas “Tazio” Lotts considered a quiet retirement.  However, it quickly became apparent that he still had more he desired to give. At...

Overwhelmed But Hopeful

What do you do when it truly feels the odds are stacked against you? If you are like Harry Johnson III, you’ll find a way to level the playing field. After stepping up to help his family deal with financial woes, health concerns and the passing of his father, Harry...