Exploring a Future as a Pharmacy Technician

Valerie Martinez is a young Austin resident who is pursuing her professional and educational goals on a path that leads through Austin’s healthcare sector. Her journey started with a chance encounter with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth...

Finding Opportunities to Rebuild a Life

Michael Zygmont is a longtime Austin resident who recently returned here after working for 5 years in Venezuela. While he enjoyed many experiences overseas, the national crises in Venezuela ended his time there in disaster. “When I came back, after getting wiped out...

Finding a Light at the End of the Tunnel with WERC

Bathu Do has lived in Austin since October 2014. During her years in Austin, Bathu has advanced her career in project/program management and strategy. She then recently decided to purchase a home. Unfortunately, a few weeks after closing on her house, she was let go...