Job Search & Training

We helps Central Texans prepare for the workforce and get back to work.

Skills Training

Job Search

Unemployment Assistance

Additional Resources

Connecting Local People to Local Jobs

We are committed to providing employment-related services to all citizens of Travis County.
Our three Career Centers can help you:


Find a job


Build your resume and prepare for interviews

Train for an in-demand career

Receive supports such as educational stipends and child care while you work or train

Get free computer, fax, and telephone access for your job search

For people with disabilities: Learn more about our accessibility tools.
For veterans: Learn more about the priority service we provide you and your spouses.


Career Training Scholarships

Prepare for a career that pays well and employers need.

  • Workforce Solutions scholarships support training for some of the region’s high-skill, high-growth occupations.
  • We can help you determine what you want to study, award you with a scholarship, and connect you to employment.
  • Many of our programs include wraparound services, including transportation, child care assistance, mobile hotspots, and more.
Am I eligible?
You may be eligible if:
  • You’re unemployed, work part-time, classify as low-income, or don’t have a high school diploma.
  • You live in Austin-Travis County and are authorized to work in the U.S.
Learn more

Ready to get started?

Fill out this form and we'll contact you to answer your questions. If you'd like to speak to a live career advisor, give us a call now at 512.485.3792 and make an appointment today.

    I'm interested in training for a career in:
    Contact preference:
    How did you hear about us?:
    Date of presentation (if known):
    Location of presentation (if known):
    Referring agency:
    If "Other," enter name here:
    Referring provider:
    If "Other," enter name here:

    Cash in your pocket. Free training. Career prep.

    Now is the time to take advantage of RE:WorkNOW. An opportunity to get free training for an in-demand career.

    See Real-Time Job Openings

    Visit our Jobs Now board to see verified open positions with local companies that are ready to hire.

    Unemployment Assistance

    Working alongside you to navigate the unemployment landscape.

    The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) in Austin is responsible for handling your unemployment insurance (UI) claim and benefits. TWC UI services are available by phone Monday–Friday from 7:00am–7:00pm — call 1.800.939.6631. Services are also available online 24/7, and is typically the fastest option.

    • Workforce Solutions can provide you information about unemployment benefits, including eligibility requirements, how to report work and earnings, and appeal procedures.
    • Take advantage of our resources such as career readiness workshops, training opportunities, and hiring events to regain your financial independence.
    • Our programs and services are specifically designed for dislocated workers — persons who have lost their jobs in mass layoffs or business closings, or who have been laid off and are unlikely to return to their jobs.

    Additional Resources

    COVID-19 Resources for Workers

    Find additional COVID-19 resources for workers here.

    Career Planning & Labor Market Info
    Free Online Learning
    • Metrix Learning gives you access to self-paced, expert approved training for 180 days! Pass your courses with 80% or higher to earn a certificate of completion, which you can download, print, and bring on interviews to show employers you have the skills they’re looking for! Metrix also offers industry certification training in popular certifications, like Microsoft Office, Project Management, CompTIA, and many more!
    Community Resources

    2-1-1 Texas can assist people to access basic needs. Call 2-1-1 or visit the 2-1-1 website to learn more.

    More Workforce Solutions Services
    • Child care: See our resources for children, families, and child care providers.
    • Youth: See how we help young people complete their education in order to find and retain employment.

    Get Started

    Click below to choose the most convenient option for you. We look forward to working with you!

    Call Our Hotline


    Visit a Career Center

    Three locations to help you find your next career.


    Drop Us a Line

    Use our online form

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